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DUCKS IN A ROW...and what happened in Cabo


This fantastic journey began about two years ago when I stumbled on a Facebook ad. The word “challenge” is intriguing and powerful – in my mind anyway. The title was “500 Word A Day Challenge” by Jeff Goins, Writer. I thought, “What the heck? I’ll see what brain to paper looks like.” I committed to writing every day for 30 days. Some of this material was used to write “My Prosthetic Life, A Memoir”.

The idea for writing a book came to me after I put a few essays together, started enjoying the process, and friends suggested publishing my stories. Life happened over the next couple of years: 1) a new job, 2) family issues, 3) choosing alcohol and stuffing feelings over anything creative, and 4) osteoarthritis in my only hand. Being unable to type for long periods of time, before and after corrective surgery, delayed finishing the book, but I followed my dream despite the many obstacles.

Fast forward to sitting by the pool in Cabo San Lucas. I wrote the last chapter, put the manuscript in order, edited everything to death, and made sure all content was printed out and backed up in several places. Then - off to our annual vacation spot we went feeling ready and worthy of a break from reality. I sent in three quote requests for a book cover and interior design specialist via Reedsy, an online author marketplace. I chose Ryan Mulford who had me hopping – first time I have ever “worked” on vacation, and it was a wonderful experience! I sent him files, wrote an “about the author” piece for the back cover and had everything I needed from him to upload the book in Amazon KDP. All while sipping a mocktail and enjoying an ocean view. The easy part ended there.

Self-publishing is easy, but tedious setting up an account and creating author profile pages. It’s also free on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Books are available once uploaded with no out of pocket expenses. No worries about printing, shipping, or formatting presentations of the product. There was plenty of time to figure out a marketing plan as well because I planned on a pre-sale. Didn’t I? I guess I zigged when I should’ve zagged because it didn’t happen!

Here's what happened next. I had a book out there, but no one could see it without stumbling upon it by accident, or me saying, “HEY! My book is on sale!” So, I quickly threw a website together, but had some trouble with linking and got some help from a friend. Next was getting an email list. Everyone says, “GET AN EMAIL LIST! Find a way to get people to come back to your website. Have promotions and giveaways. Advertise, but don’t waste time posting on every social media platform - you don’t have enough time in the day.” I have the utmost respect for those who have a marketing degree. Who knew writing, particularly spilling my guts out to the world, opening myself up to judgment from everyone I know (or not), could be the effortless part? Why - oh - why didn’t I know this 40 years ago?!

Not only is marketing challenging, but there are so many roadblocks on this creative highway. YouTube has become my best friend. I have used it for website tips, using Canva for graphic design, how to create newsletters that get seen, which email automation company to use – you name it – I have seen it on YouTube.

And guess what happened? I have doubled social media accounts by adding business pages. Posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were barely seen. I’m trying another one to see what happens. I’m taking suggestions and watching statistics to see what platform works the best. I have gathered so much information, saved so many website links to remind me what I have done so far or reference later, and have succeeded in failing to store anything in my head myself. I am now MUSH.

The solution? I went back to my comfort zone. Old School. Remember spreadsheets? I now have one so I can just click on links, copy and paste in search engines, but more importantly, to remember why I have the link and what information I think is so important there.

“If I only had a brain…” ~ Harold Arlen music from Wizard of Oz (you sang it, huh?)

If you have an easier way, please throw me a bone! What is your tip of the day?

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